Why Content Marketing Is King

When it comes to marketing strategies, content marketing has just been crowned king, far surpassing search engine marketing, public relations and even print, television and radio advertising as the preferred marketing tool for today’s business-to-business entrepreneur. A recent Survey where nearly 400 marketing professionals about the state of the business-to-business, or B2B, market, and discovered…

Avoid These Web Design Sins

Is your website driving away customers? If you’re committing these site development sins, it could be costing you more than you know. Being cluttered : Your site can’t be all things to all people. Be selective about the content you decide to put on the site and organize it in a clean and logical manner.…

Picking A Host for Your Small Business Website

When it comes to launching or re-launching a website, there’s a big difference between renting and buying. Most business websites are renters — meaning that they live inside of a Web hosting company rather than on a computer that’s owned and operated by the business. This scenario, known as “shared hosting,” provides reliability, security and…