You have the site, we have the traffic!

Targeted Traffic ServiceTargeted Traffic Service Every website needs a steady flow of web traffic in order to succeed online. This can prove to be very difficult and costly if you are relying solely on organic visits. Ginger Domain provides an easy solution for those looking to buy web traffic by providing our client’s access to the millions of real visitors available on our online advertising network.

How Does It Work?

We have access to millions of unique visitors every month thanks to our large network of publishers, these include several established search engines, two internet service providers and a well-known domain register which gives us access to millions of expired domain traffic every day.

When you enter your advertising requirements on our order page our platform scans our network in real time and will then only display your website to visitors who fall under the correct conditions you select, this ensures the highest chance of success for our clients. Unlike many other traffic providers traffic masters does not charge extra for targeting, we offer a fixed CPM for all traffic options.

You will gain full access to your own analytic’s which will allow you to monitor your traffic in real time, feel free to pause, unpause or change your destination URL at any time!

Which Traffic Is For Me?

Alexa Traffic – This traffic is used to improve your ranking. We only display your website to visitors with the toolbar installed.

Web Traffic – Target your visits by niche and location and increase the chance of making a sale, opt-in or download!

Why Buy Targeted Web Traffic?

The advantage of using paid traffic is you greatly increase the chance of making a conversion because these visits are targeted. Targeted visitors will be interested in your website.