Ginger Domain offers an all-in-one streaming, self-service platform which is the first of its kind. High quality videos can be easily broadcasted over the web by the video and audio content owners. Ginger Domain provides a unique system with a completely integrated solution that is more profitable for broadcasters than other Internet-based streaming services. In order to deliver live video to the maximum possible audience, Ginger Domain uses a powerful split player approach. Broadcasters can reach both desktops and mobiles devices viewers using HTML5 and Flash technology. You need not worry about compatibility as we use the same embed code for all.
Live video streaming involves transmitting videos live on internet. There are several processes involved in this. Live broadcasting of video often consists of 3 simple steps. Initially, a source is required, which can either be analog or digital such as webcams. For further streaming, these feeds need to be digitized through a medium.
The second step after the source or input is available is encoding. There are encoder tools available for encoding. All encoders that have capability to perform in live streaming are supported by our service. Final step involves sending the stream across secure internet transmission to our servers. After the media is distributed worldwide, any viewer with internet connectivity can view it live. You can contact our live streaming support team for step by step guidance related to live broadcasting and other such queries.

All features of the player are included in our embedded code. Content is served in Flash or HTML5, making this player dynamic. Almost any device, including desktops and mobiles, can be used to access these live streams.
Mobile streaming for video hosting
Media content is made available for the mobile market with the assistance of Ginger Domain’s streaming services. A number of smart phones and mobile applications are compatible and hence, can be used by viewers to access and enjoy broadcasted video streams. iPad, iPhone and Android phones are also included in this mix. We offer an adoptive player that can switch between HTML5 and Flash automatically. Hence, the playback delivery on both desktop and mobile is optimal. There is no requirement of additional setup.
Brand and theme your player
A broadcaster can alter the color and feel with the help of our customizable media hub. Both the HTML5 and Flash version of the player can be altered. By altering the embed code, size of the player can also be changed before placing it on a website.
Broadcast software and hardware supported
For live streaming, all RTMP based encoders are supported by Ginger Domain. We make use of Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder, Wirecast and other software based encoders for publishing the content. After getting transcoded, these streams are then delivered through the video player for mobile playback in a cross format.