Bulk Email Marketing Service – Today, there are numerous online email software that lets you create email and e-newsletter, which you can then send to your target customers. But good email marketing is a lot more than just importing a contact list and hitting the send button. To make the most of email marketing you need experts who know the ins and outs of implementing successful email strategies, so that you get maximum ROI. Ginger Domain offers you that expertise. Our marketing team ensures that you get higher convert rates by creating emails that are appealing and interactive and are not lost in the sea of unwanted spam messages.

Personalize your Campaign
Any field from your subscriber datasets can be included in your message subject line or email body for powerful personalization. You can even personalize the “From” field if you are sending on behalf of a specific group.

HTML and Text Sends
Ginger Domain handles a variety of email formats and programs. It is MIME-compliant, auto-senses mail client preferences, and delivers your message accordingly in Text or HTML format.

Bounced / Undelivered Emails
Ginger Domain’s contact activity reports allow you to check the statistics related to delivered, bounced, opened and not opened emails for a particular recipient in your list.

Inbox Preview
Ginger Domain’s Inbox Preview tool will show you how your newsletter appears in many different email and webmail clients, including the most popular. You can check what they look like.

Subscribe and Unsubscribe Options
With Ginger Domain, you choose the way recipients unsubscribe from your email campaign. Subscribers can unsubscribe immediately with a single click, or you can direct them to your subscription form.

CAN-SPAM Compliance
Your carefully crafted email marketing campaigns are an opportunity for success only if you follow permission-based and/or opt-in email marketing guidelines. We ensure compliance with CAN-SPAM standards.

Schedule your Sends
Schedule the sending time for your newsletter. Set a defined time in the future for a once-off send or schedule a recurring send to go out at the same time ever day, week, or month. Scheduled sends for your existing newsletters.

Delivery Over Time
Ginger Domain’s reports also show you the open rate of a campaign. We help you monitor your list growth over time, by providing you with subscribe and unsubscribe rates, including details for individual subscribers email addresses.

Send Activity Reports
Our send activity reports show you which addresses received your message and tell you why others did not. These reports also point out who has actually opened your email and how many times the links within your newsletter have been clicked.

Multiple List Sends
If your email recipients are organized into multiple lists, it´s no problem for our list management system. You can send the same campaign to any selected lists without duplication. Ginger Domain will automatically remove duplicate entries.

Attach Files
Attaching a PDF, Excel or Word document to your email is easy with Ginger Domain: Just attach the files with your email campaigner.

Import from an external source
You want to use that really good piece everyone loved a while ago? Upload any online newsletter, announcement, product review, or email template that you may have posted on one of your web or blog pages.

Solid ISP Relations
Ginger Domain holds a white list status with top ISPs including gmail, MSN/Hotmail, Yahoo. SPF records are published on all domains and can accommodate SenderID and SPF publishing on your server.

Customize your Subscription Form
Ginger Domain provides a subscription form that allows you to choose the contact details you want to capture on your form. Validation and ‘required’ fields can be added to your sign-up form.

Manage Subscriber Profile
Subscribers can use their Ginger Domain subscription forms to manage their profile. The contact name, email address and subscription preferences fields are editable.